Saturday, June 9, 2012


Welcome to my Adventures in cooking Blog! I have been encouraged by my friends to blog about my adventures this summer as I cook my way through recipes that I find in my quest to cook through all the stuff my mom has in the freezer and as a way to make her buy less random stuff while shopping. It is also a quest to eat healthy... sometimes. I start the week by making a Menu and listing the ingredients, this helps with the shopping list. On this menu I also include the cookbooks or locations of the recipes so that if I am not home to make dinner someone else can do it just fine without me. On this blog I will include the recipes that I use for each meal as well as a photo (hopefully) and my opinion of the dish. I hope you enjoy this blog and it helps you to branch out and try new things! If you have things you would like to me to try let me know or if you have challenges for me, like cooking for a poor college kid (I may do that when school starts up, although I did graduate) Also included in this blog may be some yummy alcoholic drinks that you may want to try.

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